In late December 2020 [after three covid failed attempts] I got to enter the studio with Kevin Shirley and get an insight into how the master uses the SSL desk for mixing records in the 21st century.
To say I was a touch nervous was a mighty big understatement .. Let me rattle off a few names for you Deep Purple .. Led Zeppelin .. The Black Crowes … Aerosmith .. Iron Maiden [I could go on and on] .. Step up to the desk he says .. Pull up a fader .. Turn every knob, push every button and listen to what it is they do .. Now close your eyes and use your ears.
Here I was in the house of the holy, listening, learning, asking questions, talking about people I would dream about as a 15 year old .. THEN .. Joe Bonnamassa calls up to see how things are going .. You doing a Masterclass Kevin ? .. Sorry I’ll get out of your way .. Call me when you are done .. Haha little did Joe know I’d just had all his guitars up on the board while trying to mix Beth Hart’s version of I’d rather go blind .. Another lesson, this time in guitar playing, I was in Heaven.
I learnt so much in those four days just sitting around talking, listening to Kevin and then stepping up to the desk to utilise what I’d learnt.
No ego’s, No Rules, In fact the complete opposite … Listen, Feel the music, And you will have your mix.
“be inside the circle”